Strib= Star Tribune of Minneapolis and PPD = St. Paul Pioneer Press
Strib, 5/20. p. A1. "High hopes. Sad Reality" is a story about what has happened to the Minneapolis Public Library system. Much of the story is based on government data.
Strib, 5/20. p. A19. "Justices' questions reveal the people behind the law" is a story based on analysis of U.S. Supreme Court transcripts of Court proceedings.
Strib, 5/22. p. E2. "Tracking the cost of war" is a story about websites, using government information, that are devoted to reporting on the dollar and other costs of the war in Iraq.
PPD, 5/28. p. 4A "Anti-terror track record scrutinized" is a story based about the Department of Homeland Security based on a study of government information.
PPD, 5/28. p. 1B. Although the story headlined "Files stolen and identities used" does not involve government data, it does involve the College of St. Catherine's with which many COGI folks have strong associations.
PPD, 5/30. p. 12B. In the Metro/Regional section, a story headlined "City unveils new online crime map" describes how the City of Eagan has put some crime data on line. The City's decisions about what to put up indicate either confusion about what is public under the Data Practices Act, timidity or something else.
Strib, 5/31. p. D1 Story, headlined "Thomson, U to connect using speedy Internet 2" describes a coming development by which Thomson West and the University of Minnesota will stream court proceedings to law firms. Given the Minnesota judiciary's long term resistance to cameras in the courtroom, this is an interesting development.
Strib, 6/3. p. A6. This story, headlined "State-disciplined doctors still on drug payroll", describes another use, this time by the N.Y. Times, of the State of Minnesota data base into which doctors are required to report their contracts with drug companies. The story illustrates what can be done with government data and some creative analytical work.
PPD, 6/3. p. 11A "Doomsday plan shifts control to White House" is another story, based on government information, about expansion of executive authority by the Bush administration.
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Thursday, May 10, 2007
May 4th and 5th
Star Tribune, 5/4, p. B1. Nick Coleman's column, headlined "The Ballpark Boys? They're batting .000 on good public policy", includes comments about Hennepin County treating the amount of Twin's contribution as not public.
Star Tribune, 5/5, p. D1. Story, headlined "Minneapolis Wi-Fi starts next week in Seward", describes the rollout of the City's wi-fi network.
Star Tribune, 5/5, p. A13. Story, headlined "TSA loses hard drive with employee data", documents another government agency losing personal data. Some irony here as the agency is the Transportation Security Agency.
Star Tribune, 5/5, p. D1. Story, headlined "Minneapolis Wi-Fi starts next week in Seward", describes the rollout of the City's wi-fi network.
Star Tribune, 5/5, p. A13. Story, headlined "TSA loses hard drive with employee data", documents another government agency losing personal data. Some irony here as the agency is the Transportation Security Agency.
May 1, 2, 3
Strib=Star Tribune and PPD=St. Paul Pioneer Press Dispatch
5/1. Strib. p. A6. "Olmert rejects call for resignation". The aforementioned call is in an Israeli government report.
5/1, Strib. p. A6. "Study: Arctic sea ice melting 30 years faster than expected" is based on a government study.
5/1, Strib. p. A3. "Report shows sharp increase in terror attacks in 06" is based on a State Department report. Surprise, surprise, the largest number of attacks were in Iraq.
5/1, Strib. p. A5. "Gonzales gave aides power to hire/fire appointees" describes a "secret" signed by Mr. Gonzales.
5/1, Strib. p. D1. "U.S. wants options data withheld" concerns access to the alleged backdated stock options in the United Healthcare case.
5/1, PPD. p. 1C. "CEO'S pay raises hackles at NWA" is based on filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission [SED].
5/2, Strib. p. A10. In Nation subsection, story, headlined "Interior official resigns before inquiry" is the latest development in the case of the Bush appointee who was changing government reports for alleged political purposes.
5/2, PPD. p. 3B. "Dog bites actually declining in city" is based on government records.
5/2, PPD. p. 2A. In Nation and World Briefing subsection, story, headlined "Court widely OK'd wiretaps warrant, among others states that only one wiretap request was disapproved.
Also on page 2A of the PPD are stories similar to those above about the Olmert report and the Interior official's resignation.
5/3, Strib. p. B5. Story, headlined "Keep month of supplies handy", is about a new Minnesota Department of Health website that helps prepare for emergencies. In order to use the site, the user must provide detailed personal information. Similar story in PPD, 5/3, on p. 12B.
5/3 Strib. p. B1 Story, headlined "3M did research on water in 1990's", see the light of day because of documents provided to the state.
5/1. Strib. p. A6. "Olmert rejects call for resignation". The aforementioned call is in an Israeli government report.
5/1, Strib. p. A6. "Study: Arctic sea ice melting 30 years faster than expected" is based on a government study.
5/1, Strib. p. A3. "Report shows sharp increase in terror attacks in 06" is based on a State Department report. Surprise, surprise, the largest number of attacks were in Iraq.
5/1, Strib. p. A5. "Gonzales gave aides power to hire/fire appointees" describes a "secret" signed by Mr. Gonzales.
5/1, Strib. p. D1. "U.S. wants options data withheld" concerns access to the alleged backdated stock options in the United Healthcare case.
5/1, PPD. p. 1C. "CEO'S pay raises hackles at NWA" is based on filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission [SED].
5/2, Strib. p. A10. In Nation subsection, story, headlined "Interior official resigns before inquiry" is the latest development in the case of the Bush appointee who was changing government reports for alleged political purposes.
5/2, PPD. p. 3B. "Dog bites actually declining in city" is based on government records.
5/2, PPD. p. 2A. In Nation and World Briefing subsection, story, headlined "Court widely OK'd wiretaps warrant, among others states that only one wiretap request was disapproved.
Also on page 2A of the PPD are stories similar to those above about the Olmert report and the Interior official's resignation.
5/3, Strib. p. B5. Story, headlined "Keep month of supplies handy", is about a new Minnesota Department of Health website that helps prepare for emergencies. In order to use the site, the user must provide detailed personal information. Similar story in PPD, 5/3, on p. 12B.
5/3 Strib. p. B1 Story, headlined "3M did research on water in 1990's", see the light of day because of documents provided to the state.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
April 29 and 30
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/29, p. 4A. "Katrina aid largely unused. Documents and interviews paint picture of government bumbling and waste". And so, the Katrina saga of horrible mismanagement continues.
StarTribune, 4/29, p. A6. "'Successful rebuilding didn't last", is a story, based on a government report on shoddy construction in Iraq.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 1B. "Victim sought high security" is a story about the alleged failure of a home security system which led to the murder of two people in a domestic dispute. The government information angle is that the security system companies want access to active criminal investigative data which law enforcement will not give them until after any appeals of the alleged perpetrator.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 5B. "Wolfowitz bank seek graceful parting" updates us about the Wolfowitz scandal at the World Bank and includes an information aspect in that Wolfowitz's attorney is threatening to get information about Bank salaries and perks and make that information public.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 2A. Story, headlined "Google pushes for public data", describes how Google, with changes in its software, wants to work more closely with state governments to have Google used as a public access tool.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 2A. Story, headlined "Traffic stops still target minorities", is based on a federal study. Similar story appears in 4/30 StarTribune on p. A3.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 3A. Story, headlined "Report will increase pressure on Olmert", about a soon to be published Israeli government report on the latest war in Lebanon. Similar story appear in 4/30 StarTribune on p. A9.
StarTribune, 4/29, p. A6. "'Successful rebuilding didn't last", is a story, based on a government report on shoddy construction in Iraq.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 1B. "Victim sought high security" is a story about the alleged failure of a home security system which led to the murder of two people in a domestic dispute. The government information angle is that the security system companies want access to active criminal investigative data which law enforcement will not give them until after any appeals of the alleged perpetrator.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 5B. "Wolfowitz bank seek graceful parting" updates us about the Wolfowitz scandal at the World Bank and includes an information aspect in that Wolfowitz's attorney is threatening to get information about Bank salaries and perks and make that information public.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 2A. Story, headlined "Google pushes for public data", describes how Google, with changes in its software, wants to work more closely with state governments to have Google used as a public access tool.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 2A. Story, headlined "Traffic stops still target minorities", is based on a federal study. Similar story appears in 4/30 StarTribune on p. A3.
St.Paul Pioneer Press, 4/30, p. 3A. Story, headlined "Report will increase pressure on Olmert", about a soon to be published Israeli government report on the latest war in Lebanon. Similar story appear in 4/30 StarTribune on p. A9.
Monday, April 30, 2007
One story in particular is incredible.
Fairly quiet lately but one in particular is incredible.
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/25, p. 1A. Story, headlined "U archives unvarnished look at war detainees", describes an archive of government documents that are on a U web site that is describing some terrible things that have happened to some of the Guantanamo detainees and their families. The story also contains the following comment on what some federal flacks think of freedom of information.
" A Defense Department spokeswoman acknowledged the U documents were originals sent to the ACLU, but she declined further comment.
'Further dissemination of this material isn't in the spirit of the FOIA program,'
spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said."
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/25, p. 4A. Story, headlined "Stories of war 'war heroics' criticized", illustrates why actual records of government are needed to check against official lies.
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/25, p. 4A. Story, headlined "America marks 500 years on map", is about the 500th anniversary of the creation of the first map that used the term America to describe this hemisphere and illustrates why government archives and the money for them are so important.
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/26 10B, Editorial, headlined "Strong enough to face the facts about threats", commends the U for putting up the document archive.
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/26 1B. Story, headlined "Sheriff forms 'rat squad' to home in on bad guys", describes a Washington County web site of the County's most wanted criminals.
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/25, p. 1A. Story, headlined "U archives unvarnished look at war detainees", describes an archive of government documents that are on a U web site that is describing some terrible things that have happened to some of the Guantanamo detainees and their families. The story also contains the following comment on what some federal flacks think of freedom of information.
" A Defense Department spokeswoman acknowledged the U documents were originals sent to the ACLU, but she declined further comment.
'Further dissemination of this material isn't in the spirit of the FOIA program,'
spokeswoman Cynthia Smith said."
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/25, p. 4A. Story, headlined "Stories of war 'war heroics' criticized", illustrates why actual records of government are needed to check against official lies.
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/25, p. 4A. Story, headlined "America marks 500 years on map", is about the 500th anniversary of the creation of the first map that used the term America to describe this hemisphere and illustrates why government archives and the money for them are so important.
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/26 10B, Editorial, headlined "Strong enough to face the facts about threats", commends the U for putting up the document archive.
St.Paul Pioneer Press 4/26 1B. Story, headlined "Sheriff forms 'rat squad' to home in on bad guys", describes a Washington County web site of the County's most wanted criminals.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I am trying, except in special instances, to stay focused on stories about government information. So, here is the latest.
StarTribune, 4/21, p. A11. Story in Nation section, headlined "Social security numbers exposed", is about another poorly protected government website.
StarTribune, 4/21, p. B3. Story, headlined "Twins' extra money for stadium is confidential", is about Hennepin County refusing to disclose how much extra money the Twins are kicking in to pay for the stadium site.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/21, p. 4C. Story, headlined "Google deal hits privacy question", discusses some of the privacy implications of Google buying Doubleclick which has a bad reputation for tracking and selling information about people's Internet usage.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/21. p. 4A. Story, headlined "Social Security data found online", is the St Paul take on the Department of Ag. data.
StarTribune, 4/22. p. A21. Story, headlined "Report: penalties for abuse nursing home inadequate", summarizes another GAO report the problem of nursing home abuse.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/23. p.3A. In Nation/Word section, story, headlined "Audit finds more waste by FEMA", is another government report documenting federal management failure and possible corruption.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/23. p. 3B. Story, headlined "AT&T backs cable bill to expand market", is a Wisconsin story based on campaign contribution reports.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/23. p. 8B. Story, headlined "Librarians boost immigrant services", describes how out-state libraries are helping immigrants particularly with bilingual materials.
StarTribune, 4/21, p. A11. Story in Nation section, headlined "Social security numbers exposed", is about another poorly protected government website.
StarTribune, 4/21, p. B3. Story, headlined "Twins' extra money for stadium is confidential", is about Hennepin County refusing to disclose how much extra money the Twins are kicking in to pay for the stadium site.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/21, p. 4C. Story, headlined "Google deal hits privacy question", discusses some of the privacy implications of Google buying Doubleclick which has a bad reputation for tracking and selling information about people's Internet usage.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/21. p. 4A. Story, headlined "Social Security data found online", is the St Paul take on the Department of Ag. data.
StarTribune, 4/22. p. A21. Story, headlined "Report: penalties for abuse nursing home inadequate", summarizes another GAO report the problem of nursing home abuse.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/23. p.3A. In Nation/Word section, story, headlined "Audit finds more waste by FEMA", is another government report documenting federal management failure and possible corruption.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/23. p. 3B. Story, headlined "AT&T backs cable bill to expand market", is a Wisconsin story based on campaign contribution reports.
St. Paul Pioneer Press, 4/23. p. 8B. Story, headlined "Librarians boost immigrant services", describes how out-state libraries are helping immigrants particularly with bilingual materials.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Recommended reading on the MN Data Practices Act

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